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852 Big Sewickley Creek Road
Sewickley, PA, 15143
United States


Baden Steelbar & Bolt Corporation is a family-owned manufacturer and distributor of fasteners based in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.  We provide both stocked and custom anchor bolts, anchor bolt assemblies, threaded rod, bolts, bent bolts, nuts, washers, turnbuckles, clevises and more.  CNC maching, welding, threading.

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Baden Steelbar & Bolt Corp.

At Baden Steelbar & Bolt we don't just stock fasteners, we also manufacture them.  We bring the knowledge and experience gained over seven decades in the industry to every product we make.

77 Years of Knowledge & Experience

At Baden Steelbar & Bolt we don't just stock fasteners, we also manufacture them.   We bring the knowledge and experience gained over seven decades in the industry to every product we make.

  Contact our sales team with any questions and for a quote on the products you need.




Custom fasteners machined to your drawings.  We can produce the CNC machined parts you need, whether you are looking for thousands of pieces or only one.  Diameters range from 1/2" and up.



We can manufacture anchor bolts in most any thread, material or finish. Welded assemblies, either single or multiple, can be provided. These may include plates, embedded boxes, steel pipe sleeves and custom couplers.



 Tie rods, anchor rods, large anchor rod assemblies, welded assemblies, and embedded fixtures to hold anchor bolts are just some of the products we can manufacture to your specifications. We can also create custom drawings for you.

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We are fully tooled to manufacture metric studs, special fasteners, tie rods and anchor bolts.  Sizes from M6 to M110.

Check our Stocked Products page for information on common metric items that we keep in stock and ready to ship.



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Installing equipment designed abroad that specifies metric anchor bolts? We are one of the largest US manufacturers of metric anchor bolts and have been producing them for 25 years. We provide metric anchor bolts for pipe mills, rolling mills, turbines, compressors, generators and more. See our Metric Anchor Bolt page for more information.



We will work with you to get your products delivered where and when you need them. We can provide custom labels when needed.

custom manufacturing

Baden Steelbar & Bolt is a manufacturer that can make custom products to suit your needs.


We maintain a large stock of raw materials on hand at all times.

Compare bolt specifications

Check out our Overview of Bolt Specifications to compare common, non-stainless bolt specifications.


We are a family-owned and operated fastener company that began in 1945. As a Pittsburgh-based business, our company's history is part of the Steel City's tradition of American manufacturing. We have seven decades of experience in the industry.